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List of Myths about Skin Health

There are various skin health myths that are still trusted by the public. Armed with information that is spread on social media, many people apply ways to care for healthy skin that is not necessarily true. Check out the various skin health myths that you need to avoid. Although different colors, skin has the same function, namely maintaining body temperature; protect bones, muscles, and organs in the body; and prevent dehydration, infection, and entry of germs or foreign objects into the body. Once the importance of the role of the body's organs in protecting the body, it is not wrong if the health of the skin must always be treated and maintained. However, do not just believe it with a variety of skin health care tips available. It could be, that is a myth.

The higher the SPF, the more the skin is protected

Ultraviolet (UV) light consists of three types, namely UVA, UVB and UVC. UVA rays can penetrate the skin to a certain depth and trigger pigment production, aka making the skin darker. Whereas UVB rays can damage skin DNA and cause aging, wrinkles, pigment changes, and skin cancer. Whereas UVC rays themselves never reach the earth because they have been absorbed by the atmosphere. The SPF in sunscreen cream represents the level of protection for the skin. SPF is generally intended to protect the skin from UVB rays or prevent sunburn. It is recommended to choose a broad spectrum type of sunscreen, which provides protection from UVA and UVB rays, at least with SPF 15 and contains mexoryl, oxybenzone, avobenzone (Parsol 1789) which protects from UVA exposure, or titanium dioxide. So, the use of high SPF to protect skin health is a myth, the most important thing is the correct usage rules.

Cold Air Does Not Work With Sunscreen

Even though the weather is cloudy, UV radiation from the sun still reaches the earth's surface. It is recommended to always apply sunscreen every day. Repeat usage every two hours, after swimming or sweating. Also use sunscreen even if you wear make-up that contains SPF.

Be careful with facials

Taking care of your face by doing facial routine is one of the beauty trends that many people follow. But the fact is, not everyone needs to do facials regularly. Even if doing facials too often can damage the facial skin. Whether or not facials depend on a number of factors, such as age and type and condition of the skin.

Good Skin Health Products Are Expensive

Price does not determine the effectiveness of a care product for skin health. What's important is the womb. Active ingredients in skin care products, such as anti-aging creams, which cost millions of rupiah with hundreds of thousands of rupiah, actually have the same content. Products sold at franchise stores near homes are not necessarily no better than those sold at prestigious large malls.

Better to Use Many Products

Using a lot of care products means being good for the skin is one of the skin health myths. In fact, applying too many beauty products or treatments can increase the risk of irritation to the skin. Therefore, it is recommended not to overdo it in using skin health care products. The must-have products are facial cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen, and toner according to skin type.

Skin Care Products Are More Important Than Healthy Foods

A healthy and balanced diet can maintain healthy skin, as we age. Eating nutritious foods helps the skin look younger. According to one skin specialist, unhealthy eating patterns can make hair fall, skin becomes pale, cracked, and accelerate aging. Caring for the skin is indeed important. But if you are tempted by advice about other skin health care myths, first check the truth. Don't hesitate to consult a dermatologist to ensure that information about the health of the skin you receive is not just a myth that can be misleading.


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